Learn about the 5 interference fields blocking your energy & health
Photo By: Immanence Health
When patients come to Immanence Health, we begin with a full EECO™ system workup. During the EECO™ system intake, we uncover multiple interference fields, which can be roadblocks to healing. Once these interference fields are identified and removed, the body can begin to self-regulate and heal.
What are interference fields?
Imagine the body as a beautiful city lit up at night. Street lights sparkle for miles and buildings glow against the dark sky. But on closer inspection, there is a dark spot amongst the bright lights, a strange anomaly that disrupts the picturesque view.
This is what an interference field is like in the city of lights of our autonomic nervous system: a disruption in the pathway of nerves that speaks to the brain and keeps our systems running smoothly.
Interference fields are usually an area formed during a previous trauma that is currently disrupting information that another part of the body desperately needs. These areas could be from scars, focal infections, tonsils, silver fillings, or root canals. Because these bodily traumas are not fresh, they are hard to find and easy to overlook as they are usually not painful and, especially in the case of fillings, often completely forgotten.
Interference fields can be the key to alleviating a chronic problem in another seemingly unconnected part of the body.
How interference fields work
The nervous system is how messages traverse the body while the extracellular matrix is how hormones, nutrients and waste products move from one place to another within the body.
Interference fields disrupt the messages traveling through the nervous system and accumulate toxins within the extracellular matrix.
Chronic conditions arise from the disruption of information (nervous system)
the accumulation of toxins (extracellular matrix) due to interference fields.
Routine examinations and bloodwork rarely diagnose the true cause of these chronic conditions. Sometimes these conditions get labeled as psychosomatic and cause patients emotional distress along with the bodily chronic ramifications of the condition.
How to find your interference fields
Interference fields can be anywhere in the body. They are not always easy to find nor are they obvious correlations with easily discernible connection to the chronic conditions they create. These scars, dental issues and other places of former trauma can be abundant on the body and can represent multiple interference fields. Organs can also be a site for infection and the accumulation of toxins.
Dental work is often a hidden interference site
These interference areas silently and chronically disturb unrelated parts of the body. When working with patients and taking a medical history, special attention should be paid to areas of previous injury that leave scars, concussions, surgery sites, and dental work. These areas are usually asymptomatic and give no outward signal at all to the patient.
What is Neural therapy?
Neural therapy originated in Germany in the early 1900s. In neural therapy a local anesthetic is injected into the disturbed area interrupting the abnormal neural signals coming from the interference field.
The injection improves polarity of cell membranes and as the electrical polarity improves more nutrients enter and toxins leave the interference field. This allows the body to self-regulate and heal as lymphatic flow and circulation in the tissue improve.
Injecting with a holistically compounded, preservative free anesthetic, such as Procaine, breaks down scar tissue and resets electrical messages traveling through the nervous system. Neural therapy also helps the flow of the extracellular matrix and to “un crinkle” fascial membranes.
How Neural therapy was discovered; the Huneke Phenomenon
In 1940, German doctor Ferdinand Huneke had treated a woman with chronic shoulder pain by injecting local anesthetic in and around the painfully frozen right shoulder with no success.
In fact, this woman’s pain had gone on so long and been so intense that other doctors had removed her tonsils and most of her teeth in an effort to find the focal spot of the infection.
She returned to Dr. Huneke one more time when she was experiencing pain in an old surgical scar on her left shin. Dr. Huneke injected the scar with a local anesthetic to alleviate her pain and--unexpectedly--she also felt immediate relief in her right shoulder. Dr. Huneke’s response was that, “This experience was so startling that I could have no doubt that I was looking at a fundamentally new piece of knowledge and that I was on the track of hitherto unknown law in the field of focal processes.”
How Neural therapy helps remove interference field blockages
Scar therapy is one of the first places we begin with patients, injecting directly into the scar or the tissue surrounding it.
Segmental therapy is another good practice that allows practitioners to reach organs through injections into connective tissue that represent segmental patterns around major organs. This increases blood flow and helps flush out toxins and brings nutrients to the organ.
Massage with oils and creams can be used as a home remedy for patients with needle aversions or for scars in particularly personal areas. Home remedies also allow patients to observe and regulate the emotions that come with relieving chronic conditions.
How Interference fields affect your emotions
Before patients find Immanence Health, most have visited an exhausting series of doctors and not found answers or relief from their illnesses. Many of these medical practitioners failed to uncover the genesis of the patient’s chronic condition and instead labeled their struggles as “it’s all in your head.”
As interference fields are found and unblocked, there are a variety of emotions that accompany this treatment. As a previous trauma is unblocked or removed, it is not unusual for a patient to suddenly start sobbing as the neural therapy takes effect. Even for patients who don’t have serious chronic conditions, interference fields can hold emotions around the cause of the scar itself. Changing the electrical flow of messages and releasing the toxins built up in a patient’s system also allows them to release emotions and significantly improve their overall well being.
To learn more about interference fields and neural therapy, explore
“Neural Therapy” by Dr. Christine Schaffner
Radical Medicine, Louisa L. Williams, chapters 3, 10, 11
Khan Academy website, “The extracellular matrix and the cell wall”
Did you know?
Dental health is one of the leading causes of interference fields
There is an intimate connection between dental health and the overall wellbeing of the body. Impacted teeth or faulty dental work be a site of infection or trauma.
While most dentists have been moving away from using Mercury fillings, many adults have them. A toxic heavy metal such as Mercury can make up as much as 50 percent of an amalgam filling. Adults with mercury fillings are suffering as they quietly leak toxins into their bodies. If left unattended, these toxic build ups will cause long term damage.
Wisdom teeth, and particularly the cavitation they create, can be linked to a number of disorders and serve as a common interference field. Because of their placement in the mouth, wisdom teeth can be difficult to properly care for and even treat. They can become impacted into the jawbone, causing pain along with inviting infection and interference. The empty cavity can serve as a hotbed for infection, especially once they are removed.
Root canals are another area that can present as an interference field or focal infection. A root canal is a dental procedure intended to remove all nerves connected to a tooth; however, it often leaves the area open for infection, even when sealed off with a crown.
Sometimes less obvious can be the tonsils, which are a part of the lymphatic system and should be given careful consideration. Patients with mercury amalgam fillings or other dental issues should be referred to a doctor that specializes in biological dentistry. More harm than good can come from removing these if not done properly.
Learn more about dental health
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
Dr. Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and recognized thought leader. After graduating from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness, from all around the world and combines both naturopathic and conventional therapies to develop individualized treatment plans that focus on addressing the underlying cause of complex chronic illness.
Dr. Schaffner is passionate about educating patients, as well as other practitioners, bringing the most advanced medical protocols to all, as well as creating spaces for healing and rejuvenation. Her style of practice is strongly rooted in traditional naturopathic principles, including removing toxins and establishing a strong health foundation in order to achieve optimal health.
You can learn more about Dr. Schaffner at www.drchristineschaffner.com.
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