Find the 4 things hidden in your home that make (or keep) you sick

Presented by Immanence Health

When patients come to Immanence Health, we begin with a full spectrum analysis starting at the cellular level and determine their customized EECO™ system therapeutic path to wellness. Doing an in-depth investigation captures the individualized layered system of the patient’s internal environment, how it interacts with the world around them, identifies the obstacles and individualizes a unique-to-you path for healing. 

While patients are in the beginning stages of their EECO™ system process, we jump start their journey to wellness by educating them on the most prevalent roadblocks to health and how to remove them. 

4 steps to start your healing process at home

When we start to remove the roadblocks that are stopping our bodies from healing, we open the pathway to healing.  Before Immanence Health prescribes any type of therapy, supplement suggestions or initiates any protocols, we start by giving our patients the knowledge and tools to successfully start to detoxify and clear hidden roadblocks to healing from their home. This is where we ask everyone to start - these are a few of the key factors that when addressed can be a powerful tool to unlock healing before stepping into a practitioner's office, take a supplement or incorporate any additional healing modalities.


Hidden factor #1: ALUMINUM
The connection between toxins and disease is UNDISPUTED, and toxins are everywhere: food, water, air, and household products

So many things that make our modern lives easier are also making us sick because they are full of toxins.”

 - Dr. Christine Schaffner

Because aluminum is so prevalent from cookware to deodorant, it is the first of the heavy metal toxicants we recommend eliminating. The problem with aluminum is that it is a neurotoxin, meaning it is poisonous to our nervous system and creates neurovascular inflammation, which in turn causes inflammation in our brains. 

However aluminum gets into our bodies, through water, food, or a variety of daily products, it can do serious damage. Aluminum can accumulate in our guts, kidney, brain, and thyroid, to name a few of the  hotspots. While it is a neurotoxin in the brain, creating a leaky blood-brain barrier and impacting the nervous system, it can also move readily through our bodies by taking advantage of the damage done by other toxins. An example of this is glyphosate, which is a herbicide widely used on food crops.


Glyphosate increases gut permeability and makes the aluminum we ingest more highly absorbed and able to travel throughout the body. Removing heavy metal toxicity from our bodies by detoxifying our homes and lives is a vital step on the path to removing blocks to healing chronic illness. 

The average American adult consumes 7–9 mg of aluminum per day in their food. 

Hidden sources of aluminum in your home can include: 

  • Drinking Water 
  • Flour and Baking Powder 
  • Ceramics 
  • Antacids 
  • Buffered Aspirin 
  • Cosmetics and Moisturizers 
  • Toothpaste 

Hidden factor #2 WATER
Turning on the tap has the potential to turn our bodies into pathways for chronic disease. Water can be a source of heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, and pesticides. Most city water is purposely fluorinated to decrease tooth decay and aluminum sulfate is used in the water coagulation process to remove bacteria from the water supply. Aluminum-fluoride compounds may form in  water where both aluminum and fluoride are present, which creates highly reactive neurotoxic compounds that can be linked to brain inflammation. 

According to the CDC, two out of three Americans are supplied with fluoridated tap water.

Chlorine is also introduced to the water system to manage bacterial growth. The danger to our health occurs when we shower in chlorinated water. Our skin, the largest body organ, softens and soaks in the chlorine as we shower and bathe. When combined with other compounds in the water, it creates chemical byproducts that can be harmful to our organs as they are dispersed throughout the body in the bloodstream. 

Along with things purposely put into the water in the process of making it “healthier”, there are many  naturally occurring chemicals and minerals that work their way into the water supply. These heavy metals and  other elements go into the water through the soil, air and plumbing systems, including: 

  • Arsenic 
  • Lead 
  • Cadmium 
  • Mercury 

These contaminants lead to neurological, immunity and gastrointestinal damage. The damage is rarely immediate or acute; instead, these toxins build up in our bodies over time. Heavy metals, like aluminum, lead and mercury, can also be stored in our bones. They can build up in our central nervous system and settle in our fatty tissues. These toxicants can create oxidative  stress and inflammation and actually damage our cells and cell membranes.

When the cells are threatened, it triggers a ‘cell danger response’ and really limits cell function. People can be chronically ill because that response is perpetuated and prolonged, disrupting the immune response and the endocrine system.”

 - Dr. Christine Schaffner

Hidden factor #3 ENERGY HYGIENE 

We are built to self regulate and to heal, but we can’t do that if we don’t have the energy our body needs. And unfortunately, our modern world is increasingly becoming energy depleting. We are constantly being bombarded by vibrations and frequencies that are harming our bodies. Everyday seemingly benign and harmless technology is affecting our health. You couple that phenomena with the mounting daily stress and tension of the average individual, and the body itself cannot maintain the energy it needs to heal and stay healthy.

Ways to improve energy hygiene include:

  • Turn off your wifi when not in use, such as while you are sleeping
  • Limit cell phone use
  • Minimize exposure to LED lights, screens and technology that emit blue light
  • Check for and eliminate dirty electricity-- spikes and surges of electromagnetic energy from wiring/power lines where only standard 50/60 Hertz AC electricity should be
  • Ground yourself by daily connecting with nature; go outside to take in sun or fresh air, remove your shoes and stand on a patch of dirt or grass, better yet lie down and soak up the earth’s energy until you are recharged and rejuvenated

Hidden factor #4 SLEEP 

It may feel like we do nothing while we sleep, but our bodies are working in overdrive to heal and maintain function. Your glymphatic system is one of the most  important waste clearance systems for your body. The brain uses this system to drain the toxins away while we sleep. Each night, during deep sleep, the brain shrinks 60 percent and is washed with cerebrospinal fluid, and this waste is then carried through the glymphatic system and moved into the peripheral lymph. 

While this is happening the system is also bringing nutrients into the brain. This system is how our body keeps neurological degeneration and disease at bay, and is one of the most underappreciated but vital systems in our bodies. 

Creating a safe sleeping environment is one of the most powerful habits you can create to support health and healing. Part of a safe and healthy sleeping environment involves what is called your “sleep posture”. 

In recent years, general awareness of the negative health impacts of sitting for extended periods of time has increased. Researchers have gone as far as to say that “sitting is the new smoking”. NASA scientist Dr. Joan Vernikos has shown that excessive sitting causes many of the same problems that astronauts experience in space due to the reduced force of gravity on the human body. 

The deficiency in gravity from sitting can cause physical degeneration of the spine, muscles, and connective tissue, as well as obesity and early death. Most people, however, are not aware that sleeping on a flat surface has the same negative impacts as sitting or weightlessness in outer space. Research has shown that sleeping on a flat surface can cause reduced sleep quality, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, glaucoma, sleep apnea, and strokes, among other diseases. 

Deep cleaning your environment sets you up to start navigating toward better health. The following is a short introduction into the most common items you can start or stop to help eradicate your own personal blockages to healing

Did you know?

Bioenergetic medicine: Shedding light on chronic fatigue and illness

Western medicine has yet to consider the human body as more than a mass of biochemical reactions and acknowledge it as a participant in ENERGY. Your body is far more than simply flesh and bone and a series of chemical reactions. 

Our bodies are a series of interlocking networks of communication. Every cell interacts with the cells around it, in bigger and bigger circles until you have the entire body working in tandem toward a solution. 

This powerful and interdependent system communicates twenty-four hours a day. It uses a brilliant network of dynamic electrical signals to support and control everything from your mood to detoxification, energy to fatigue, as well as your actual ability to heal and even to think. 

To get to the true nature of how things actually work, on a cellular level, you have to look at how energy travels throughout the body. These cells operate on the energy that they create within themselves, but as we get stressed or encounter environments that are damaging to our body, our cells produce less and less. 

“If we consider the body as a series of electromagnetic processes, rather than just chemical ones, there is a new level of understanding of how the body’s bioenergetic fields impact overall health.”
Dr. Schaffner

Disease starts when there are energetic imbalances and blocks in the energy flow within the body. Thus we produce less and less in our lives. Our cells lose their charge, and maintaining a good energy hygiene practice is the pathway to get that charge back.

In order to recover, in order to have the energy we need for everything in our lives, we need to look at the source of our problems. A lack of energy voltage is the symptom, not the cause. In order to recover from a chronic illness, we need to apply therapeutic strategies that address not only biochemistry, but often biophysics as well.

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Dr. Christine Schaffner

Dr. Christine Schaffner

Founder / Physician

Dr. Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and recognized thought leader. After graduating from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of  Virginia in Charlottesville. 

With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness, from all around the world and combines both naturopathic and conventional therapies to develop individualized treatment plans that focus on addressing the underlying cause of complex chronic illness. 


Dr. Schaffner is passionate about educating patients, as well as other practitioners, bringing the most advanced medical protocols to all, as well as creating spaces for healing and rejuvenation. Her style of practice is strongly rooted in traditional naturopathic principles, including removing toxins and establishing a strong health foundation in order to achieve optimal health. 

You can learn more about Dr. Schaffner at

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