Discover EBOO: Our Most Advanced Ozone IV Therapy for Enhanced Health


"I immediately felt more mental clarity and energy after my EBOO!" - Marcy

Gain momentum in your health.

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation

Introducing an elegant yet powerful ozone IV treatment to help patients recover faster from chronic illness or infection, and even filter out the ongoing daily toxicants that we are all exposed to. “EBOO” stands for Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation.


It is a gentle ozone IV therapy that is well-tolerated, making it one of the most advanced and effective ways to receive a high dose of ozone and oxygen intravenously and experience the benefits of full spectrum UV light at the same time. 

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How does EBOO work?

Immanence Health EBOO

How does EBOO work?

EBOO is sometimes also referred to as"ozone dialysis". It involves dual IV access -this means being able to access an IV on both arms at the same time - so that the blood can be filtered out from one arm, treated with the combination of high dose ozone and full spectrum ultraviolet light therapy, and then returned to the body through the other arm.

Immanence Health EBOO
Immanence Health EBOO

Who can benefit from EBOO?

Who can benefit from EBOO?

Patients with the following are good candidates for EBOO: chronic illness, chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune conditions, chronic infections caused by mold, Lyme, viral or bacterial loads, those with non-healing wounds, GI problems, arthritis, pain, neurological symptoms, and also for those looking for more energy, focus, and anti-aging benefits. Who can benefitfrom EBOO?

Learn more about EBOO on Spectrum of Health:

Experience immune resilience, advanced detoxification and speed up your recovery process.

Benefits from EBOO Include

  • Boost immune system
  • Enhance athletic performance Stimulate oxygen metabolism
  • Improve energy
  • Decrease pain & inflammation
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Heal or recover faster from wounds and surgery

  • Filters out illness, infection and toxicants in the blood
  • Increases ATP and NAD production:essential molecules for generating, storing and transferring energy in cells
  • Stimulants an epigenetic response to kick start blood flow and metabolism


Dr. Christine Schaffner not only receives this treatment for her own health, she has been educating patients throughout her career on the importance of optimizing blood flow and how critical the role of blood circulation is for your overall health.

This is why she is so passionate about bringing more tools to her patients that actually work!

The addition of EBOO at Immanence Health will create more resilience in ourpatients' terrain and help them gain momentum in their health. All within a 60minute treatment!

What to Expect After EBOO

Some temporary fatigue may occur immediately after

Some temporary fatigue may occur immediately after

Increased mental clarity and reduced brain fog


More energy production and anti-aging benefits


How to Get Started

Step 1: Schedule a EBOO Consultation

To find out if EBOO is the right treatment for you, a pre-screening consultation is required. This consultation will include a review of the risks and benefits, your medical history, and any medications you are currently on, and a customized plan for you to determine how many EBOO treatments you may need, how often, and if we need to modify the dosage of ozone per treatment. Other pre or post treatments to ensure a successful EBOO may also be required or recommended.

Step 2: Complete all necessary lab work

Standard labs are required for a baseline, including a G6PD panel. Other labs may also be added. If you already have lab work to share, depending on the results, make sure they are within 1-3 months of your treatment. Any existing lab work will be reviewed during your consultation to determine eligibility, and if additional labs need to be ordered.

Step 3: Complete any pre-EBOO treatments

Some additional pre-EBOO treatments may be required or recommended for both safety and efficacy reasons. These treatments include a UVBI (ultraviolet ozone IV treatment), high dose Vitamin C IVs, or lymphatic drainage. These treatments are typically scheduled 1-2 weeks or more, before your first full EBOO treatment.

How to Prepare

Get your pre-EBOO labs completed at least 2 weeks before


Standard labs and a GP6D panel is required before starting

Drink extra water to help with successful IV access


EBOO requires 2-vein access, and extra hydration is key

Eat a protein-rich meal before EBOO treatment



Maintain energy during EBOO with a protein-rich meal 2 hours before treatment

EBOO Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an EBOO treatment take?

A full EBOO treatment takes about 1.5 hours.

How often can I receive EBOO?

The number of treatments will vary based on the patient’s medical history and goals or objectives for treatment.

How much ozone am I receiving in a treatment?

You are receiving up to 145,000 mcg of ozone per full treatment.

How much of my blood is being treated?

We treat up to 2 liters of blood during a full treatment (the average person has about 5 liters of blood), so this is why eating a meal before and after to maintain energy is crucial for a successful EBOO.

What if I have a physician referral? Do I still need a consultation?

If you are not currently a patient at Immanence Health and are being referred for EBOO by your existing physician, the pre-screening consultation may be scheduled as a shorter appointment, but will still be required to review the risks and benefits and confirm your specific treatment plan. All formal referrals need to be faxed to our office for review prior to your consultation.

How much does EBOO cost?

EBOO full treatments start at $975, and package options are available for 3 or more, with 10% savings.

What are contraindications for EBOO eligibility?

EBOO may not be the right treatment for everyone. Those with a history of blood coagulation failure, bleedingorgans, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhages, recent myocardial infarction, significant G6PD deficiency, acute anemia,leukemia, or currently pregnant, or have photosensitivity, allergy to ozone, or currently taking medications with sulfamay not qualify for EBOO.

Contact us today to see if EBOO is the right treatment for you.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Book Your Free EBOO Pre-Screening Now

NO FDA APPROVAL: The Food and Drug Administration has not approved the (“EBOO”) treatment to be administered as a method of treating, curing, or preventing disease.

DISCLAIMER: The procedure study has not been vigorously tested through peer review trials. Immanence Health and O3UV offers no guarantees of health benefit. All statements made here are based on available anecdotal data. Fees are non refundable; if a package is purchased and not all services were completed the balance can be used as clinic credit.

RISKS: There are risks associated with this procedure as with any iv infusion. these may include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, or fatigue. during your consultation the risks and contraindications will be reviewed, and an informed consent will need to be completed before starting.

contraindications: The procedure is contraindicated for any patient who is hypoglycemic, has acute unstable blood glucose, unstable cardiac issues, delirium, acute respiratory issues, pregnancy, acute bleeding disorder, Mastocytosis, acute allergic reaction, inebriated, under the influence of illegal drug use and/or medical marijuana within 4 hours of ozone.

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