Immanence Health Services
Whether you're suffering from a chronic illness or wanting to optimize and fine-tune your vitality, our Immanence Health Services are hand-picked by our founder and implemented with the utmost care and precision.
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our services, listed in alphabetical order below, and
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appointment to unlock and receive
transformational physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Who: those wanting to optimize health or experiencing brain fog, chronic pain, and stress, poor circulation, or in need of detox support
What: Circulation is key to experiencing healing from chronic illness or daily pain and stress! At Immanence Health our patients see great results and relief by incorporating Biomat Therapy. Just one treatment on the BioMat helps with circulation, improving the performance of the body’s cells, which in turn improves its ability to heal naturally. Microcirculation supplies organs and tissues with nutrients and oxygen while removing and disposing of resulting waste products. If your goal is improving microcirculation and you want to promote blood flow in even the smallest of blood vessels, the Amethyst Biomat Therapy is a great addition to your healing regimen.
Where: Seattle location
(virtual or in-person) Baseline Frequency Calibration
Learn what your body needs and begin the healing process by optimizing your body’s frequency! The AO Scan is a powerful tool in our Immanence Health layered approach to healing. It’s a noninvasive bioresonance device that is used to detect abnormalities in the various energy frequencies of cells, tissues, and organs throughout your body. Disturbances in these frequencies are often a key indicator of distress and disease.
The AO Scan helps to reset the body’s optimal frequencies in order to restore optimal health or to prevent the disease from manifesting. These frequencies will be sent to you via email to continue your frequency healing protocol at home.
*not required to be an established patient
20-minutes (option to add-on to IV treatment, $25)
Who: anyone suffering from low energy, chronic conditions, pain, and/or poor circulation
What: Tired after waking up or just low energy all of the time? Struggling from a chronic condition or pain? Whenever your cells are not getting proper blood flow, then they’re depleted of oxygen and nutrients and the ability to get rid of cellular waste. Bemer Therapy, which stands for Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation, has been shown to help stimulate your body’s energy flow, increasing circulation and relieving the discomfort from chronic conditions. The Bemer treatment creates an increase of energy by stimulating mitochondria in your cells to increase ATP production (think the energy in the body). This therapy can be done as a stand-alone treatment or pairs well with IV therapy to help elevate the absorption of nutrients from the drip.
Where: Seattle location
90-minutes new appointment
75-minutes returning visits
Who: Individuals looking to optimize health and healing by opening up the detoxification channels, stimulating bile flow, and ultimately reduce toxicity
What: Colonics are used to help empty large portions of the bowel system and cleanse the colon of stored fecal matter that can lead to toxicity and disease. At Immanence Health, we use colon hydrotherapy, The Angel of Water® Surround, a gravity-fed open design, hydrotherapy system. Whether used prior to endoscopic exams, as a pre-operative preparation procedure, or for evacuation of an impacted colon, the Angel of Water® is the safest and most effective solution - and is the first choice for hospitals around the world.
Where: Seattle location
Who: Individuals looking to optimize their immune system by improving their lymphatic flow, digestive system, sleep quality, energy level, and stress responses.
What: Constitutional Hydrotherapy is used to stimulate the quality of blood circulation and lymphatic flow through tissue. When the circulation is compromised or stagnant, disease can take hold. Hydrotherapy acts to fight disease by stimulation the body’s own healing force. This is accomplished by enhancing blood flow through the organs of elimination (skin, liver, lungs, kidneys, colon) and stimulating smooth muscle contractions in the intestines and lungs, thereby increasing the elimination of metabolic wastes. The procedure is a series of hot and cold compresses applied to the chest, abdomen, and back in conjunction with mild sine wave or other mild electrical stimulation to those areas. This procedure is great paired with a colonic for maximum movement.
Where: Seattle location
Who: Individuals who experience migraines, chronic neck and back pain, fatigue, chronic stress, emotional trauma, or fibromyalgia
What: Chronic pain and suffering can be debilitating, but a powerful and effective holistic treatment is craniosacral therapy. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - composed of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using the gentlest of movement and touch, generally no greater than 5 grams of pressure, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system. This has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CranioSacral Therapy has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression, and anxiety.
Where: Seattle location
20 or 40-minutes
Who: Those with poor metabolic function, hormone imbalance, insomnia, chronic and complex illnesses, anxiety, depression, or anyone wanting to support their lymphatic system.
What: One of the main functions of the lymph system is that it acts as the “sewer system” of your body. When toxins are carried out of the cells, they first pass through the extracellular matrix to the lymph, and then to the organs of elimination. When your lymph system is stagnant, toxins can build up in the extracellular matrix, which can cause a worsening of symptoms. In fact, lymph stagnation is almost always present in chronically ill individuals, and supporting lymph drainage is a crucial part of any detox plan. Unlike blood, lymph does not have a pump that moves it into circulation. Rather, the lymph system relies on muscle contraction to create flow. The FLOWpresso offers a unique, non-invasive stimulation and drainage therapy. Used to enhance blood flow, improve the cellular environment and promote relaxation and sleep management. FLOWpresso promotes and maintains a state of well-being and helps reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases and conditions.
FLOWpresso has been seen to:
Where: Seattle location
15, 30, 45, 60-minutes
Who: Those wanting to support detoxification at the cellular level to help with chronic conditions, metabolic function, skin, energy, sleep, immunity, and more
What: Infrared saunas are an effective tool in natural healing and preventative medicine. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue, which in turn produces a host of anti-aging health benefits.
What is Infrared technology?
Infrared light (experienced as heat) is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum which has the ability to penetrate human tissue to produce a host of health benefits. It is naturally occurring from the sun and is the basis for all Sunlighten™ saunas like the one available to clients at Immanence Health.
Far Infrared Health Benefits
Because infrared sauna therapy heats the body directly rather than by simply warming the air, it raises the core body temperature and produces a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where most dangerous toxins reside. Far infrared also aids in blood pressure reduction and weight loss, burning up to 600 calories in one 40 minute session!
During each sauna session at Immanence Health, enjoy Matrix Electrolyte enhanced water and Biopure Chlorella Vulgaris to support your sauna session's health benefits.
Where: Seattle location
45, 60-minutes
Who: Anyone wanting to support healthy detox in a gentle way
What: Poor detoxification impacts our energy, ability to fight off acute infections, disrupt hormone balance, affects metabolism, and can increase chances of chronic illness. Signs that your detoxification system is overwhelmed include headaches, difficulty sleeping, poor digestion, irritable bowels, brain fog, low libido, rashes and eczema, chronic pain, depression and mood swings, inattention, and more. At Immanence Health we utilize many modalities for detoxification, and a gentle yet effective solution is the Ionic Foot Bath Therapy. This gentle therapy improves the microcirculation in the body to efficiently remove toxins through the other organs (liver, kidneys, colon) and then out of the body as the ionized foot bath generates positive and negative ions that help balance energy and promote a normal pH.
The Ionic Foot Bath therapy is an effective treatment to layer with an IV drip.
Where: Seattle location
60 or 90-minutes
Who: Individuals who want to detoxify, decongest sinuses, support digestion, and chronic fatigue, reduce associated symptoms of fibromyalgia, and uptick the recovery of skin concerns, such as - rosacea, scars, keloids, stretch marks, acne, and burns
What: Lymphatic balancing promotes the release of toxins, infection, and psycho-emotional trauma from the extra and intracellular matrix, connective tissues, and lymphatic system, supporting a complete and holistic approach to healing. At Immanence Health, we believe Manual Lymphatic Drainage is an integral part of the total health of the body’s immune and cardiovascular systems, and ideal in aiding inflammatory conditions. This balancing therapy stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and assists the body's ability to detox, self regulate, and heal.
Where: Seattle location
60 or 90-minutes
Who: Anyone interested in deep, restorative relaxation through the art of massage
What: Relax, unwind and decompress with one of our therapeutic massage treatments that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system--helping the body rest, digest, and recover. Massage has been shown to help relieve anxiety, improve digestive disorders, support detoxification, relieve and prevent headaches, support the relief of insomnia-related stress, and bring relief from soft tissue strains. Each healing massage treatment at Immanence Health is customized to what your body needs.
Where: Seattle location
15, 30-minutes
Who: Individuals looking for a tool to support the body’s ability to self-regulate and heal and support circulation and blood flow to organs
What: Neural Therapy is a medical approach that diagnoses and treats local disturbances of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The autonomic nervous system is divided into the somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary). The somatic nervous system controls voluntary movements such as walking, talking, and movement of limbs. The autonomic nervous system, on the other hand, regulates internal body functions such as immune function, blood pressure and circulation, hormones, digestion, body temperature, heart rate, breathing, urination, sexual function, menstruation, and other automatic body functions. When there is a trauma of any kind, the ANS can become injured and these internal functions do not perform at optimum levels, due to dysfunctional signaling within the body. This ultimately results in disease or chronic pain.
Neural Therapy helps find where interference to the nervous system is occurring and works to correct it. The goal is to open regulation in the ANS’s ability to flow between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches without interference. Neural therapy treatment frees the ANS of interference to produce greater health.
At Immanence Health, our highly skilled physicians use ART muscle testing to identify blocks and interferences. After the interference has been identified, procaine is injected into the space subcutaneously or intramuscularly. This anesthetic has been shown to help restore electrical potential, help normalize physiology of surrounding tissues, and help the nervous system rebalance signaling to the area impacted.
Where: Seattle, Marin locations
60 or 90-minute, initial session
60-minutes, returning sessions
Who: Those struggling to remain in the present, access deep coping skills or slip into a parasympathetic state for healing to occur, or individuals suffering or complex illness
What: Imagine attending a concert where the star performer is... your heart.
Immanence Health offers Sound of Soul therapy, which is a cutting-edge therapeutic device that helps patients heal by moving them into a parasympathetic state as they’re surrounded by the sound and color-light, of their own heartbeat. This therapy is especially healing and balancing for those battling complex illness, dealing with or recovering from grief/trauma, or suffering from anxiety. Your session recording is shared with you to continue your healing journey at home.
Where: Seattle location
Who: Individuals experiencing chronic stress, anxiety or tension, lack of motivation, fatigue or sleep issues, or those needing wound healing support
What: At Immanence Health, we believe in a layered approach to treatment and this innovative 3-in-1 device uses the latest research findings in the field of low-level-laser therapy. It combines acupuncture, local pain management, and external blood irradiation. This new edition of the Weber Medical Laser Watch available at Immanence Health is equipped with red, blue, green, and yellow lasers.
The red laser is well-known for its ability to enhance cell activity and microcirculation. It also activates the immune system and by increasing the activity of fibroblasts, it optimizes wound healing.
The blue light stimulates the first complex of the respiratory chain (NADH dehydrogenase for anti-inflammatory effects and activates telomerase (anti-aging). It helps increase fibroblasts, optimizing wound healing, and improves the oxygen utilization in the tissue.
The yellow light promotes serotonin and vitamin D metabolism - essential for bones, connective tissue, and the immune system. When binding to certain receptors, it affects the contraction of blood vessels in the cardiovascular system. It also regulates our intestinal movements. The Laser Watch has shown to increase the serotonin level in the blood - helping to lighten the mood. Yellow light also stimulates the mitochondrial respiratory chain at complex III (cytochrome).
Green light binds to hemoglobin, the ferrous blood compound in the red blood cells. It improves the function, behavior, and cell elasticity of those cells as well as the oxygen supply.
Where: Seattle location
Who: Helps those with symptoms of anxiety/worry, degenerative diseases of the brain, support for migraine sufferers, combat inflammation and age-related degeneration
What: A common complementary therapy with IV drips is the use of the Web Medical LED Infrared Helmet. This LED Infrared Helmet therapy is non-invasive, painless, and non-thermal. Unlike other wavelengths, infrared light has the ability to penetrate bones and bring light energy to targeted brain areas. While using the helmet, light energy is absorbed by different types of cells to trigger a broad range of intracellular effects.
Where: Seattle location
*not required to be an established patient
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today!
1629 Queen Anne Ave N, Ste 104
Seattle, WA 98109
phone (206) 659-0690
The material on the Website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The statements made on this Website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.