Our bodies are more than a set of biochemical interactions, to be manipulated by medications and specialists. They are a direct result of both our internal terrain and our external environment, which must be considered to create long-term vibrant health and correct disease.
Unlike most modern-day health practitioners - who come at patient care via a “template” where they apply a set of tests and rules and offer a list of “possible” diseases or disorders - Dr. Schaffner and her team look far beyond symptomatology.
Each of us is utterly unique, not only in our DNA, but also in our
environment and ecosystem. This includes where we work and live, who we interact with each day, what clothing we wear, the toxins to which we are exposed, and a long list of subtle environmental factors that are commonly overlooked by templatized medicine..
In addition, each of us has our own distinct patterns, energy, and physical existence.
To be successful, a patient’s health journey
must take all of these things into account - and be customized, considering the individual’s terrain and ecosystem.
Essentially, all of this is our Biotope - the unique and
individualized presentation of our physical body (including physical characteristics, reactions, symptoms and diseases), based on an ecosystem that includes environment, modern-day stressors, energetic imprints, etc.
In bioregulatory medicine, symptoms of diseases are considered alarm signals that appear as patterns of regulatory disharmony.
Symptoms are actually the final manifestation of what usually is a long pathological chain of events. The initial causative factors often lie in much deeper dimensions, far removed from the symptom being expressed.
Symptoms, such as allergies, inflammation, pain, headaches, exhaustion, depression, tension, sleeplessness, indigestion and recurrent infections are all signs that
the body is not adapting to its environment, and/or that its internal milieu is disturbed.
These are in response to an overload of toxins, pollution, poor quality or allergenic foods, psycho emotional stress, or even pharmaceuticals and other causative factors.
Illness indicates that the body is trying to eliminate something that is toxic to it, and that the process of elimination may appear as “disease” if the goal is not reached easily.
More often than not, allopathic drugs are designed to relieve symptoms, rather than relieve the toxic burden that
caused the symptoms. Even antibiotics, which are undeniably useful, do not attack the original toxin, but the biological result of the toxicity.
Homotoxicology, an important part of Environmental and Terrain support, represents a unique synthesis of healing disciplines designed to strengthen the organs of detoxification and excretion:
The methodology of homotoxicology differs from that of conventional medicine in that illness is viewed as much more than the mere presence of clinical symptoms.
Homotoxicological therapy approaches the patient as a whole, and taking a patient’s environment and biotype into account, it attempts to detoxify the body, to correct derailed immunological processes through immunomodulation, and to support cells and organs.
It seeks to create health, rather than fight illness.
Western medicine is limited - and often contradictory.
To do better, we must see the human body as more than just a series of chemical reactions, but rather as a participant in a powerful, energetic system that communicates via a network of powerful, electrical signals.
If we consider the body as a series of electromagnetic processes, rather than just chemical ones, there is a new understanding of how the body’s bioenergetic fields and the quantum web of energy impact overall health.
Our bodies are a series of interlocking networks of communication. Every cell interacts with the cells around it, in bigger and bigger circles until you have the entire body working in tandem toward a solution.
These cells operate on the energy that they create within themselves, but as we get stressed or encounter environments that are damaging to our body, our cells produce less and less.
Disease starts when there are energetic imbalances and blocks in the energy flow within the body.
In order to recover from a chronic illness, we need to apply therapeutic strategies that address not only biochemistry, but our
biophysics as well.
Maintaining good energy hygiene is the pathway to re-energizing and reconnecting everything, from our cells to our healing and our very participation in life.
Imagine the body as a beautiful city lit up at night. Street lights sparkle for miles and buildings glow against the dark sky. But on closer inspection, there is a dark spot amongst the bright lights, a strange anomaly that disrupts the picturesque view.
This is what an interference field is like in the city of lights of our autonomic nervous system: a disruption in the pathway of nerves that speaks to the brain and keeps our systems running smoothly. This step is vital to clearing the blocks and opening the path to recovery and health.
Interference fields can be scars, focal infections, tonsils, silver fillings, and root canals, as some primary examples.
It is an area of previous trauma that is disrupting information that another part of the body desperately needs. These bodily traumas are not fresh, and are easy to overlook. They are usually not painful and, especially in the case of fillings, often completely forgotten. Interference fields can be the key to CLEARING THE BLOCK that a chronic problem in another seemingly unconnected part of the body.
Blocks May Include:
When clearing blocks and detoxing on a physical or energetic level, the drainage and detoxification pathways need to provide optimal flow for removal.
If detoxification and drainage are not addressed, then toxins - whether they be physical, emotional, or energetic - will be reabsorbed back into your body.
(This includes virus infected cells, toxicants, pathogenic agents, and aberrant proteins - from the brain and body.)
Thus, it is IMPERATIVE to support your organs of elimination through detoxification and drainage, in order to open the pathways to support optimal flow.
Often overlooked, this is critical to healing from any chronic illness.
Dr. Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and recognized thought leader. After graduating from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness, from all around the world and combines both naturopathic and conventional therapies to develop individualized treatment plans that focus on addressing the underlying cause of complex chronic illness.
Dr. Schaffner is passionate about educating patients, as well as other practitioners, bringing the most advanced medical protocols to all, as well as creating spaces for healing and rejuvenation. Her style of practice is strongly rooted in traditional naturopathic principles, including removing toxins and establishing a strong health foundation in order to achieve optimal health.
You can learn more about Dr. Schaffner at www.drchristineschaffner.com.
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1629 Queen Anne Ave N, Ste 104
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phone (206) 659-0690
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