What are the benefits of Poly-MVA?
Presented by Immanence Health
So what is Poly-MVA? Poly-MVA is Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex and the acronym stands for polymer of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Inside of this wonderful complex of nutrients are many of the components of the electron transport chain found inside the mitochondria of the human cell. It also has many of the co-factors for energy production and is full of potent antioxidants.
Poly-MVA promotes mitochondrial repair which improves energy production. They are found in the Krebs cycle and supporting pathways such as liver function and neurotransmitter function. It is also associated with improving white blood cell function, which is critical in chronic infections and pathologies. Poly-MVA also helps with the pH balance (pH is a very important measure of cellular activity)...and so much more.
Take a few minutes to hear from Immanence Health physician, Dr. Eric Schoen who shares in more depth the benefits of Poly-MVA.
Dr. Eric Schoen specializes in
IV Therapy and Oncology Support.
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The Benefits of Poly-MVA: Video Transcript
My name is Dr. Eric Schoen. and today we're going to discuss one of Immanence Health's offerings, Poly-MVA, which is available both in oral forms and intravenous forms as a wonderful therapy. So let's dive right in. What is it? So Poly-MVA is the trade name of something that's known in literature as Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex. Poly-MVA is just an acronym, which stands for polymer of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. And inside of this wonderful complex of nutrients are many of the components of the electron transport chain inside the mitochondria of the human cell and has many of the co-factors for energy production and is full of potent antioxidants.
There, you can see the list. Inside are things like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Palladium, the element, the metal. Along with Vitamins B1, B2, B12 and a host of other things, which you can see there. All of which are vital for energy production, as well as, for the body's antioxidant systems. There are wonderful scales for measuring how potent of an antioxidant something is inside the human body. Everything from NAC, N-acetyl cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid, they all have scores. And across the board, whenever Poly-MVA is tested in comparison to these, it really vastly outperforms them. So it's a wonderful tool for quenching a lot of the byproducts of inflammation in our system. It's about four times more powerful than alpha-lipoic acid itself, which is a wonderful nutrient, which is used in a whole host of conditions. So you're getting the benefits of that nutrient along with all of the other things. One of the other key things of alpha-lipoic acid and lipoic acid mineral complex is that it's always a strategy to try and figure out how we can basically upgrade the function of our cellular production of ATP. The energy molecule that kind of runs the show for a many, many body processes. In fact, almost all of them.
And it's been a quandary in science to be able to figure out how to get those nutrients directly into the cell, rather than just circulating through our body. And this particular patented formula has a way of really driving these nutrients directly where they're needed most, directly inside the cell. So if you have all of those constituents being driven directly into the cell, you come across with a whole host of benefits, which are related to reducing inflammation, to repairing DNA damage, to helping cell integrity and cell communication. It's very powerful as an antioxidant. And when you upregulate all of those processes, there's a lot of downstream consequences that improve organ function, improve energy, and can be really a vital piece in many people's health picture that is missing in chronic illness.
So, as a brief list, what kind of things does it do? And this is a very exhaustive list. This is taken directly from Poly-MVA's marketing materials, but these are all verified in the research as far as being able to promote mitochondrial repair, improving energy production, they're in the Krebs cycle and supporting these pathways like liver function and neurotransmitter function. And it's even been associated with improving white blood cell function, which is critical in chronic infections and pathologies like cancer. And it helps with the pH balance. It's kind of a big thing where we talk about how pH is a very important measure of cellular activity. And it's correlated with improving function if it's properly balanced. So through this, you have increased oxygenation of tissues. And again, I keep harping on this, but it's really all about energy. In any chronic illness, if you have decreased energy, you're going to have slower metabolism.
You're going to be having slower capacity to heal and to fight infections or other pathologies that are going on in the body. Right? So this is useful for a lot of different conditions. But across the board, really there are broad categories it falls into such as assisting with chronic fatigue. This is primarily used in my practice and in cancers of many different types. It's vital for people who are going through chemotherapy or radiation to be able to keep their energy up. And it's a buffer against some of the toxicity of those therapies. It's useful in chronic infections, as I mentioned before. Because if you're fighting off infections, you need to have adequate energy in order to fight off of those. And that's often a difficult piece with fighting infections is that the body is just so taxed by that process, by trying to stave off against these threats that are coming into the system that oftentimes energy production is one of the very first things to go.
And by and large, if you can increase your energy production, you're going to be having a much more vital and robust immune response. It's also especially powerful in the neuroinflammatory conditions. Neuroinflammatory conditions runs the gamut of everything from fibromyalgia and MS, which are very devastating conditions. If you've ever come across somebody who is dealing with those very painful, very taxing. These people are often very, very fatigued and frequently in pain. In post-concussive syndrome where people have multiple contusions and they have deficits in their brain they are often very, very inflamed. And that has downstream effects, not just for their mentation and for their capacity to have mental endurance, but it also affects organ systems downstream, such as gastrointestinal conditions, and a whole host of other systems can be affected by this. So this is just absolutely transformative in my practice and when I'm using it with patients, it's one of the very first thing I go to for this. As a side benefit and not necessarily for treating pathology, if you're increasing energy performance, you're helping even healthy individuals.
People like athletes who are trying to go to that umpteenth degree to get more out of their life, to have more endurance, to play harder, to lift heavier. All of that is something that is going to be augmented with Poly-MVA. Something that I am personally interested in, I love to exercise and to be outgoing. And I, myself come from this realm of chronic fatigue, just personally, with the things that I've had to deal with. And Poly-MVA has just been absolutely transformative for me and certainly for the athletes that I work with, where this is just giving them that competitive edge where they're able to just go harder and faster. And in all the ways that they're wanting to push their bodies to the extreme. So as a short synopsis, if you are interested in Poly-MVA, the reason you may be interested in it is because, again, it's supposed to increase your energy.
And this can be a very fast process where it upregulates and people can notice really within maybe one or two treatments that they just feel better. And this can also be done orally, but it just takes a little bit longer whenever you're dealing with it that way. But if you're dealing with an extreme illness, just cancer or a chronic fatiguing type of illness, like an infection of some sort, you are going to have a better tolerance of the other therapies that are going to be provided to you. You're going to be able to get along a little bit further in your day. One of the common things that I hear whenever people start to do this is, they notice that they are not crashing in the middle of the day. They have sustained energy. If they were a frequent napper, they are able to go basically more throughout their day.
And instead of crashing at 11:00 and just a short while they're crashing, maybe at 3:00 in the afternoon. And I find that people, the longer they take it, the more that that crashing phenomenon doesn't tend to happen. This may also be just related to the fact that this has wonderful attenuating effects on blood sugar. So that could be a piece of it as well. In the neuro-inflammatory conditions I was mentioning, people are finding that their pain is lessening, which is really quite significant. We don't have many tools that do that reliably. And their symptoms are decreasing. So they're in less stress just physically and mentally. So they're able to take on more throughout their day. I can't stress enough how just absolutely transformative it has been in patients dealing with, especially neurological illness. And as I mentioned before, with athletes, just athletic performance just really has the capacity to be much more robust.
People can go longer, they can go harder, they can go faster. And that is just really exciting for, especially high-performers. Even if you are not a high performer in the sense of an athletic or physical sense, I see this even having mental benefits where people who are titans of industry are really able to focus better. They're able to have that competitive edge that allows them to just keep going. It's really like an Energizer bunny phenomenon where they just keep going, and going and going.
So if you're interested, absolutely reach out to us. There's so much information and research on this one particular substance, just providing a host of benefits. This is just a preview, of course. Please do ask for more. It is one of my favorite things. It's been absolutely transformative in my practice. And I love introducing people to it. There's also a wonderful synergy with this particular compound, with a whole host of other therapies related to light therapies as well. There are a fantastic synergy, again, with being able to increase the energy of a system and stave off some of the devastating consequences of some therapies, whether conventional or natural that can arise whenever you're going after a lot of complex illness. So that's that. I hope you enjoyed.
Dr. Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and recognized thought leader. After graduating from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness, from all around the world and combines both naturopathic and conventional therapies to develop individualized treatment plans that focus on addressing the underlying cause of complex chronic illness.
Dr. Schaffner is passionate about educating patients, as well as other practitioners, bringing the most advanced medical protocols to all, as well as creating spaces for healing and rejuvenation. Her style of practice is strongly rooted in traditional naturopathic principles, including removing toxins and establishing a strong health foundation in order to achieve optimal health.
You can learn more about Dr. Schaffner at www.drchristineschaffner.com.
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